Site Information & Construction Updates

  • Memorial Building Project - Phase II Steel Delivery 

    Please be advised that our second round of steel delivery to The Manchester Memorial Elementary construction project will occur from 10/13-10/20.  Deliveries will be between the hours of 7-7:30 am, and 8:30 am-2:30 pm.  The Manchester Police Department has been notified and is aware of the deliveries and will be providing detailing services.  Please see attached our trucking route traffic and logistics plan for reference.

    Also please be advised that the construction team will be working Sunday, 10/18, from 8:00 am-4:00 pm. This is rare for us – in fact, our first time working on a Sunday for this project.  We are pushing to get this next p

  • Safety First…Getting to/from MMES 2019-2020

    With the on-going construction of the new Memorial School, new safety measures are being suggested to address the well-being of students, teachers, families, and neighbors. Being aware of construction traffic in combination with the area’s K-12 parent traffic, one goal is to minimize vehicle use around the school. 

    Please be mindful of crosswalk, sidewalk, parking lot, and roadway safety.

    For student arrival and dismissal, please consider:

    • Walking or biking to school
    • Joining a Walking School Bus that will use the routes on the attached map
    • Riding the school bus
    • Carpooling
    • Using the designated satellite “Park and Walk” locations. Everyone is counting their steps these days and what better way to get ahead in your count than by driving to a common area and walking with your student to school.

    Locations include:

    • Sweeney Park
    • Masconomo Park
    • Town Offices
    • Norwood Avenue (resident lot)
    • Friends Street (on-street parking)
    • Pulaski Drive (on-street parking)

    The Coach Field lot on Brooks/Norwood Streets is open ONLY for construction. No parent parking or access will be available.

    Memorial School Walking Plan